Thursday, December 31, 2009

Want to stop smoking please help with advice?

I started smoking for a very stupid reason. when i was in college some guy was smoking next to me. Stupid me thought i would try one and that would be that. Boy was i wrong. i came home for Christmas and my dad warned me that i would get addicted. I just did not listen. I have smoked on and off for the past 9 years. My doc gave me a new drug called chantix. you keep smoking while you take the first pack of of the drug (i think its 10 days) and than you stop smoking, but keep taking the pills until you are ready to stop. My advice for those who smoke or are thinking about it. DONT even have one cig.. once you do you are hooked and for those who already do smoke. STOP. i know its easier said than done, but you will feel better, you will smell better and most of will live lot longer.Want to stop smoking please help with advice?
You could try over the counter aids like the patch or the gum, they have really good advice and help lines that come with them. Find a support group in your community. Start to exercise, eat healthy. Ask for the support of your friends and family. GOOD LUCK!!!Want to stop smoking please help with advice?

.Zyban! I had tried everything to quit smoking until I found Zyban.. i was smoking up to two packs a day and i had tried quiting over a hundred times, never making it a full day.. Zyban is a drug administered orally in the treatment of depression and as an aid in the cessation of tobacco smoking, thought to inhibit neuronal uptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the central nervous system. You can buy zyban online at You do not even need a prior prescription! They have US licensed Doctors issue you a prescription and a US licensed pharmacy ships it via Overnight FedEx delivery.. So order with confidence.. Good luck dear!

I quit this time last year having had a 30 a day habit. I'd tried and failed with allsorts until I was recommended this program - see below.

It also came with a money back guarantee - can't say fairer than that!

All the best.

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