Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need advice please help?

I 27 years old married 2 kids . love my wife but no sexually attracted to her and she feels the only way we can be in love is to have sex.

I cant see my life without my kids and cant take kids away from her.

Am i being selfish by staying and putting the kids through the fights?I need advice please help?
Having kids seeing and hearing their parents fight to me is a form of child abuse. Someone is gonna have to explain to me how you love your wife but can't have sex with her? Could it be you can't love someone who may have put on a little weight carrying your children? Are you maybe comparing her to porn you are watching? Has your body not changed since before the kids were born?

I'm not sure either of you are acting like responsible parents. Might I suggest counseling.

But please if you both love your kids don't make them have to live with your constant bickering and for heaven's sake there had better be no physical fighting. Their future relationships are gonna be harmed by being around such behavior,I need advice please help?
Sexual attraction has as much to do with the MIND as it does the physical side. Start looking at her in a more sexually attractive light. You just might be surprised at the outcome.

Also ask her to do some of the things that you find sexually appealing.

You can do it if you want to. Good luck.
First figure out if you still love her, if you do work it out. If you don't leave her now because if you don't leave her now you will eventually find someone who you will be sexually attracted to and end up cheating on her which will hurt her so much more then you guys getting a divorce.

god bless.
What changed to cause you to lose your sexual attraction to your wife? You did manage to have two children together, so at one time you must have enjoyed being intimate with her.

I really need more information on this in order to help you.

If I understood why you are not sexually attracted to your wife - anymore - I presume - then I could provide more advice.

Good Luck!
The kids will soon feel your emotions and no that your not happy.If your not attracted to her anymore then why stay and be miserable.Just get joint custody of the kids.
Try counseling first

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