Friday, January 8, 2010

Help advice needed!!!!!?

been going out with my bf for almost a year now....

we both want to get married.....he ordered a bridal set and so now we are engaged....I told my parents and they dont seem to happy but still better than I had planned.....our families do not get along.....we are both 18 years old but niether of us can drive and I have to go back to high school for cemester....I just need some advice from someone who was in a simalar situation.....Help advice needed!!!!!?
Have a very long engagement. You both need to not only be able to drive, but own vehicles, have jobs, in short, support yourselves without help from your families. Love is grand, but you have to be practical. You lovebirds would not want to start out struggling and fighting over money, would you?Help advice needed!!!!!?
here's my advice...stop rushing! marriage is so overrated and is not all that it's cracked up to be. live your lives first. go things...enjoy being un-married for once. cause once you get married your time will no longer be your own. i can understand why both sets of parents are upset. i would be to. but's not my life that you are rushing. it's yours.
I completely understand that there are things that you feel compell you to do things like want to get married. I can understand that you're parents aren't happy with it either. My husband and I were high school sweethearts. My parents hated him and we both came from completely different lifestyles. He proposed to me in high school although he was also on his way to college. We kept it a secret and went on with our lives. Eventually we got together in college and were married after we graduated.

My advice to you. Don't worry about what others say but don't rush into things either. So you two want to get married, fine do it, but give it time. Get to know each other outside the high school life. Figure out your likes and dislikes and find out what works for the both of you. There are many things to figure out and find out about your partner before you marry. My husband and I were engaged for almost three years before we married and it was for the best. Many of our friends that jumped into it are still struggling a year later to figure things out. We on the other hand are perfectly fine and we truly enjoy each other's company and love. Good Luck and remember do what you want but not so fast. You have time.
Sweet Pea you and you fiance can always learn to drive that is not an issue you need to take the necessary steps to get your drivers license. I got married at 18 and my parents didn't like the idea but 9 years later I am still married and blessed as well. if you feel this is the right thing for you to do than you do it, you can never put an age on love it is something that is endless and timeless! Good luck my dear.
i say wait. I was dating my now husband when I was 18 but knew that it was wayyyy to early for marriage. We waited till college was done %26amp; able to support ourselves. I'm almost 23 now %26amp; we're both happy w/ kids %26amp; well off finacially. believe me it's best to wait especially if you still have a semester left. you guys need to get yourselves on track financially %26amp; make sure i mean really sure that's whan you want. i don't want to sound like money is everything, but lots of fights can boil down to financial reasons. trust me on this!!! it strains the relationship when you can't even go to the movies because money is tight. we went through some bad times especially after our first was born. also i know from experience guys attitudes change after high school. it's a whole different ballpark after that you'll find out. you guys should give it time at least till you're done w/ school %26amp; you guys can afford a car %26amp; place. especially if your families are unhappy, holding marriage off a few years will give them time to see that you are really right for each other.
Honey if you love him then wait. i know that sounds mean but This is the time to grow into yourself, figure out who you are and there is no way you are both ready. I dated my husband when we were in high school and I loved him then but we waited to get married we both lived else where for a time and when we decided to settle down we knew it was right. Waiting will only make your relationship stronger. Good Luck!
Go ahead, be engaged. I was at 18, but we put off any wedding and moving in together until we could be independent. I finished school and we got married when I was 20. That was 29 years ago. Things are not that different now, so don't think that I don't know what I'm talking about. Been there, done that!

Date, spend time together. If you really love each other, you will be able to wait. A year of dating is not really that long. Finish school and you both need to have some job skills. What are you going to do if neither of you can drive or you don't have a car? If you live in a big city with good transportation it might work out, but otherwise, you will be dependent on others. That will add lots of stress to a new marriage. It gets much harder later on to get back to school, as you have bills to pay, and if a baby comes along, it will be even MORE complicated. Real life comes with lots of stress and complications. Enjoy this time and build a strong foundation for your life together.

Your both young and have plenty of time. I was engaged for 2 years and dated him for 2 before that.

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