Friday, April 30, 2010

Help! Advice on giving my 4.5 month old baby rice...?

I'm in a bit of a muddle and I could do with some advice please. My 4.5 month old baby boy was previously drinking 5 x 7 ounce bottles a day = 35 ozs a day but his last feed would be due at about 10.30pm and he wouldn't always wake up for it so we would sometimes wake him up so he could take it and he would not be hungry again until 9.00am the next day. We have tried (from today) to cut out that last bottle because we don't want to wake him when he's asleep and we are going to attempt to give him 4 x 8 ounces instead but that would only = 32 ozs per day so I think he may wake up hungry in the night which is not the answer because we want to stop him having to feed during the night. I am debating whether to reduce his last bottle to about 6ozs and give him a couple of teaspoons of baby rice to keep him satisfied longer but i've always been adamant in saying that I don't want to wean him too early. Has anyone got any advice? And if I was to give his some rice with his last bottle how many ounces should I give him? Is 6 ozs too much? Although I appreciate your opnions i'd rather not have nasty comments please.Help! Advice on giving my 4.5 month old baby rice...?
I'm not quite following what the problem is.

35 ounces of formula is fine -- it's not too much. If he wants it some days but not others, that's fine. If he only wants 32 ounces, that's ok too. Feed your baby on demand, and let him take what he wants.

I can see no reason to be introducing solids this early since he IS eating a reasonable amount of formula and sleeping a reasonable stretch at night. (It's normal for a 4 month to be taking one night feed, or even more if he goes to bed early.)

If you are set on starting solids, offer his usual bottle (whatever he typically takes), and then offer a half-teaspoon or so of cereal. (From a bowl, with a spoon.) If he likes it and it doesn't upset him, you can gradually increase to a couple of teaspoons or so.Help! Advice on giving my 4.5 month old baby rice...?
It's probably not such a good idea to give too much rice in the bottle, if thats what your saying. My pediatrician told me not to give rice in the bottle so you should ask your ped. for advice, they can tell you whats best for your baby. And it is normal for them to wake up in the middle of the night, so even if you give him rice he may still wake up to eat.
No, no rice in the bottle. Putting solids in the bottle is dangerous, it's a choking hazard, don't do it.

That said, rice bottles before bed do not make baby sleep longer or fill him up more. This is a myth.

Just keep giving him his nighttime bottles. He's too young for solids still, and he should still be waking up at night. He'll be waking up at night to eat for a few more months still. That's normal development.
I'm confused. Are you breast or bottle feeding? “Weaning” is the process of eliminating breastfeeding, not getting your baby off the bottle. Introducing solids IS NOT going to prompt your baby to give up bottle feeding.

I introduced rice cereal to my *breast fed* daughter at 4 months on her pediatrician’s advice. She told us to do 2 tablespoons twice a day, and to introduce fruits and vegetables when we wanted so long as we did it by the time she was six months old. She still nurses heartily, and I always nurse before cereal to limit the impact solids has on my supply. I have never and will never put cereal in a bottle because I’ve read it can be a chocking hazard. Just spoon feed

I also would not wake up a four month old for a feeding. Let your baby sleep until he wakes. My daughter reliable slept from 8:30 – 6 am by three months. There’s nothing to say your kid won’t sleep right on through if you don’t wake him at 10:30.
Just follow the directions on the box how hard is that?
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